Latest News
08.22.2005 - New Directory For Testing Versions |
There was created a new directory where the newest test version can be found. Using test versions of this program could be dangerous!
Click here to access the newest test version!
08.13.2005 - v0.4.3-pre1 Released |
The new unstable (pre) version is released. Download, Src, Changelog.
1st release on 08.13.2005.
07.18.2005 - v0.4.2 Released |
Two new feature: tabs (ctrl+T), and save the viewer vindow size.
The new stable version is released. Download, Src, Changelog.
1st release on 07.18.2005.
04.04.2005 - New Version Is Coming Soon |
The project develope was discontinued for a year, but today I start handle with it again. So the new version is coming soon (in a week).
04.18.2004 - v0.4.1 Released |
There have been many changes since the last version. First of all I patched my Kylix, this caused the binary file's size grows very much. But there are many benefit, e.g. the freeze under KDE 3.2.x is not any more.
The new stable version is released. Download, Src, Changelog.
17th release on 06.01.2004.
04.10.2004 - v0.4.0 Released |
The new stable version is released. Download, Src, Changelog.
Make some changes on 16th, but there are no new release.
03.02.2004 - New Web Page |
Now there are a new homepage of the Valami Commander. It is not very nice, but the first.
You can do some things here, like download or watch the screenshots.